How to Powerslide on a Longboard?

To me learning the techniques on a longboard is very surprising and fascinating. But my foremost purpose in getting into this game is to make the beginners so brave that they should not be scared of power sliding on a longboard. Power sliding is a major trick to push yourself on 90 degrees while the wheels of the longboard are not going to start skidding and spinning.

So in short:

Power sliding on a longboard is a technique that involves sliding the board sideways while maintaining control and balance. It is useful for navigating tight turns or slowing down on steep hills. This guide will cover the steps to learn how to powerslide on a longboard safely and effectively.

Before learning how to power slide, it is important to understand basic longboarding techniques such as carving, foot braking, and sliding. It is also essential to wear proper protective gear, such as a helmet, knee pads, and gloves, to prevent injuries

Powersliding on a Longboard (Step-By-Step Guide)

Choose the Right Longboard

The first step in learning to powerslide is choosing the right longboard. A longboard with a wide deck and soft wheels is ideal for learning power slides. A wide deck provides more stability, while soft wheels offer better grip and control. By incorporating a drop-through deck design, it is possible to reduce the center of gravity, thereby facilitating sliding maneuvers.

Find the Right Spot

Subsequently, identifying the appropriate location to practice is the subsequent step. A flat, smooth surface with enough room to slide is ideal. It is important to avoid busy streets or areas with heavy traffic and surfaces with loose gravel or debris.

Practice Carving

Practice Carving

Prior to trying to execute slides, it is crucial to practice carving. Carving involves making smooth turns by leaning your body and shifting your weight from one foot to another. Carving is an essential skill that helps build balance and control, making it easier to slide later.

Get in the Right Stance

To slide on a longboard, you need to be in the right stance. The right stance involves placing your front foot at a 45-degree angle and your back foot perpendicular to the boardā€™s length. To ensure stability, your feet ought to be separated at a distance equivalent to the width of your shoulders, your knees should be flexed, and your weight should be evenly distributed over the board.

Initiate the Slide

Initiate the Slide

The first step in initiating a slide is to build up some speed. Once you have enough speed, start carving in the direction you want to slide. As you carve, shift your weight to your back foot and lean back.

Kick Out Your Back Wheel

Once you feel comfortable leaning back, itā€™s time to kick out your back wheel. To do this, lift your front foot slightly and press down hard on your back footā€™s toes. This will cause your back wheel to slide out to the side, initiating the slide.

Control the Slide

As your back wheel slides, you must control the slide to maintain balance and control. This involves keeping your weight centered over the board and making small adjustments to your feet and body to keep the slide going.

Bring the Board Back

bring the board back

Once youā€™ve slid far enough, itā€™s time to bring the board back to its original position. To do this, shift your weight forward and start carving in the opposite direction. This will cause your back wheel to grip the pavement and bring the board back to its original position.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Powersliding on a longboard takes time and practice. If you are unable to achieve the desired outcome immediately, do not lose heart.  Keep practicing in a safe and controlled environment until you feel comfortable sliding.

Safety Tips While Powersliding on a Longboad

Mastering the art of power sliding on a longboard can be hazardous, which is why taking appropriate safety measures is essential. To ensure your safety while learning to slide, here are a few pointers:

  • Wear proper protective gear, including a helmet, knee pads, and gloves.
  • Choose a safe and controlled practice area free from obstacles and hazards.
  • Always practice with a friend or group of friends, so someone can call for help if needed.
  • Start Slow: It is crucial to commence with a gradual pace when initially learning how to execute a powerslide. Build up speed gradually and focus on controlling your board and maintaining balance. You can increase your speed and slide distance as you become more comfortable.
  • Focus on Body Position: Your body position is critical when sliding. Keep your weight centered over the board to maintain control and balance, and make small adjustments to your feet and body as needed. By starting off at a slower pace, you can increase your chances of maintaining control and performing a smooth slide.  
  • Practice Both Directions: Furthermore, practicing slides in both directions is critical since it helps in developing comprehensive longboarding skills. Start by sliding in your stronger direction, but once you feel comfortable, try sliding in the opposite direction.
  • Practice on Different Surfaces: Different surfaces can have a significant impact on your ability to slide. For example, concrete and asphalt offer more grip than smooth surfaces like polished concrete or wood. Practicing on various surfaces to build your skills and improve your ability to slide in different conditions is a good idea.
  • Keep Your Eyes Forward: When sliding, it can be tempting to look down at your board. Nevertheless, this technique may disrupt your equilibrium, leading to difficulty in managing your slide. Instead, keep your eyes forward and focus on where you want to go.


Is it difficult to learn how to powerslide on a longboard?

Learning to powerslide can be challenging, but with practice and dedication, most riders can master this skill.

What is the duration required to master power sliding?

The time to learn how to powerslide varies depending on the riderā€™s skill level and dedication. The duration required to learn powersliding may differ among riders, with some mastering the technique in a matter of weeks while others may require several months.
The time to learn how to powerslide varies depending on the riderā€™s skill level and dedication. The duration required to learn power sliding may differ among riders, with some mastering the technique in a matter of weeks while others may require several months.

Do I need special equipment to powerslide on a longboard?

Powersliding does not necessitate the use of specialized equipment; however, it is vital to wear appropriate protective gear, such as a helmet, knee pads, and gloves, to avert potential injuries.


Learning to power slide on a longboard takes practice, patience, and a commitment to safety. It is crucial to wear protective gear, practice within a secure and regulated environment, and not hesitate to seek guidance or suggestions from seasoned riders. With time and dedication, you can master the art of power sliding and take your longboarding skills to the next level.

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Walter Beard

Meet Walter Beard, a passionate Longboarded who has been immersed in the exhilarating world of longboarding for eight years. With his love for the sport, Walter understands the joy and excitement that comes from executing thrilling tricks and being part of a vibrant longboarding community.

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