Are Electric Longboards Illegal? USA Laws! Complete Guide in 2024

Electric longboards have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people turning to this mode of transportation as an eco-friendly alternative to cars or traditional skateboards. However, whether Are Electric Longboards Illegal? remains a contentious issue, with varying laws and regulations across different countries and jurisdictions.

The simple answer to this question completely depends on your location and what types of longboards you are dealing with. Normally longboarding is not illegal in most of the areas but there are limited restrictions on particular types of longboards and locations. Like you cannot enjoy electric longboards in streets and public parks as it is illegal to ride on them.

In this article, we will discuss the legality of electric longboards and examine the laws and regulations that govern their use. So, letā€™s embark on our journey.

Are Electric Longboards Illegal?

Are Electric Longboards Illegal?

Navigating the complex landscape of USA laws regarding electric longboards can be a challenge for enthusiasts and newcomers alike. As of 2022, the legal status of electric longboards varies significantly across states and municipalities, reflecting a patchwork of regulations that govern their use on public roads, bike lanes, and sidewalks. Our guide aims to shed light on the key legal considerations, state-specific rules, and safety regulations that every electric longboard rider should be aware of.

From helmet requirements to speed limits and designated riding areas, understanding these laws is crucial for anyone looking to embrace the convenience and thrill of electric longboarding. We also delve into the ongoing legislative discussions and potential changes on the horizon, providing a comprehensive overview that ensures you stay informed and compliant. Join us as we navigate the legalities of electric longboarding in the USA, empowering you to ride with confidence and respect for the rules that shape our shared public spaces.

What is an Electric Longboard?

Before delving into the legality of electric longboards, it is important to understand what they are. An electric longboard is a skateboard powered by an electric motor, allowing the rider to travel at higher speeds and cover longer distances with less physical effort.

What is an Electric Longboard

An electric longboard usually features a hand-held remote control that enables the rider to control the speed, braking, and steering of the board. 

Electric longboards can vary in size, shape, and power, with some models capable of reaching up to 30 miles per hour or more. They are also equipped with a battery that powers the motor, with the board range varying depending on the size of the battery and the terrain being ridden on.

Electric Longboards Laws USA

  1. The legality of electric longboards is a complex issue, with laws and regulations varying across different countries, states, and cities. In some places, electric longboards are completely legal to ride on public roads and sidewalks; in others, they are outright banned.
  2. The classification of electric longboards is a major concern when it comes to their legality, as they are often considered motor vehicles in certain jurisdictions, and are consequently subject to the same laws and regulations as cars and motorcycles. This can make it difficult for riders to use their electric longboards in public spaces, as they may need to obtain a license or registration and adhere to traffic laws and regulations.
  3. Another issue that affects the legality of electric longboards is safety concerns. Some jurisdictions have banned electric longboards due to concerns about their potential to cause accidents and injuries, particularly when ridden at high speeds. Electric longboards are sometimes banned from certain areas or only allowed to be used on private property.

Legal Status of Electric Longboards in Different Countries

The legal status of electric longboards varies widely across different countries, with some countries allowing their use on public roads and sidewalks while others have banned them outright.

Legal Status of Electric Longboards

Below, we will examine the legal status of electric longboards in some of the most popular countries where they are used.

United States

The legal status of electric longboards in the United States differs from state to state. In some states, such as California and Colorado, electric longboards are legal to ride on public roads and sidewalks as long as they meet certain speed and power restrictions.

In some other states, such as New York and Florida, electric longboards are prohibited from being used in public areas.


In Australia, electric longboards are generally legal to ride on public roads and sidewalks as long as they meet certain safety and technical requirements. However, some states, such as New South Wales, have banned the use of electric longboards on public roads.


In Canada, the legal status of electric longboards varies by province. In some provinces, such as Alberta and Ontario, electric longboards are legal to ride on public roads and sidewalks as long as they meet certain safety requirements.

Electric longboards are banned from public spaces in other provinces, such as Quebec and Nova Scotia.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, electric longboards are generally considered illegal to ride on public roads and sidewalks. However, some exceptions exist, such as in London, where electric longboards can be used on certain cycle routes.


In Europe, the legal status of electric longboards varies by country. In some countries, such as Germany and France, electric longboards are legal to ride on public roads and sidewalks as long as they meet certain technical and safety requirements. Electric longboards are banned from public spaces in other countries, such as Switzerland and Denmark.

It is important to note that the legal status of electric longboards can change over time as laws and regulations are updated. Therefore, riders need to stay current on the laws and regulations in their area to ensure they are riding their electric longboard legally.

Safety Considerations for Electric Longboard Riders

In addition to the legal considerations surrounding electric longboards, there are also safety considerations that riders should keep in mind.

Electric longboards can reach high speeds, making them dangerous if not used properly. Below are some safety tips that riders should follow when using an electric longboard:

Wear Protective Gear: Just like traditional skateboarding, riders must wear protective gear when using an electric longboard. This includes a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards.

Follow Traffic Laws: In many places, electric longboards are classified as motor vehicles, which means riders must follow the same traffic laws and regulations as cars and motorcycles. This includes stopping at stop signs and traffic lights, using hand signals when turning, and riding in designated lanes.

Be Aware of Surroundings: When riding an electric longboard, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and anticipate potential hazards. This includes watching out for pedestrians, cars, and other obstacles in your path.

Stay in Control: Electric longboards can reach high speeds, making them difficult to control if not used properly. Riders should ensure they are comfortable with the speed and power of their board before attempting to ride at higher speeds.


How fast do electric longboards go?

The speed of electric longboards varies depending on the model, but they can typically reach speeds of up to 20-25 mph (32-40 km/h).

Are electric longboards legal?

The legality of electric longboards varies by country and jurisdiction. In some places, they are legal to use on public roads and sidewalks, while in others, they are banned or subject to certain regulations.


The legality of electric longboards is a complex issue that varies across different countries and jurisdictions. While some places allow electric longboards to be used on public roads and sidewalks, others have outright banned them due to safety concerns or their classification as motor vehicles.

Riders need to stay current on the laws and regulations in their area to ensure they are riding their electric longboard legally.

In addition to legal considerations, riders should also prioritize safety when using an electric longboard. This includes wearing protective gear, following traffic laws, and being aware of their surroundings.

With proper knowledge and caution, riders can enjoy the many benefits of electric longboards while staying safe and within the law.

Stay Tuned with us!

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Walter Beard

Meet Walter Beard, a passionate Longboarded who has been immersed in the exhilarating world of longboarding for eight years. With his love for the sport, Walter understands the joy and excitement that comes from executing thrilling tricks and being part of a vibrant longboarding community.

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