How to Slide On Longboard (Beginner’s Guide)

You have landed in the right place if you want to know how to slide on a longboard. It is a crucial longboarding skill and the basis for performing tricks like slides, drifts, standup slides, etc. Sliding can be intimidating for beginners, but you’ll have it down quickly with practice and patience!

You can easily do sliding by knowing your set-up, finding the right spot, using proper weight and momentum, and practicing.

While sliding on a longboard, you must use your superior balance and control to keep your board in an oversteer position until you are satisfied with how much you can slow down on your longboard. Bring it down, allow the traction to terrain again, and roll away.  

What is a Slide?

A slide is a skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, and longboarding maneuver where the rider turns sharply on their board and slides down a hill or surface at an angle. Slides can be done with either foot, but most riders prefer using their back foot for sliding.

Now that you know what a slide is and how to get started, try it out there!

You’ll be sliding your way down hills with ease in no time!

Sliding on a Longboard (How to)

Know your Setup

Different boards require different setups to perform slides effectively. A drop-through or drop deck board will give you stability when sliding, while a top-mount or cruiser board will provide more grip and control.

Adjust your trucks (the metal axles connecting the wheels to your board) to the looseness that fits your riding style best. If they’re too tight, you won’t be able to turn or slide easily. You may be out of control during slides and tricks if they’re too loose.

Find the Right Spot

Before learning how to slide, finding a flat surface with plenty of room for maneuvering is essential. Look for an open stretch of sidewalk, parking lot, or street with few obstacles and away from traffic.

Use your weight and Momentum

This is key when sliding. Start by pushing off with one foot while keeping your body in a low stance (this helps lower your center of gravity).

Sliding on a Longboard

As you push off, lean slightly back into the board as if you were falling backward. This will help you build momentum and make initiating the slide easier.

Basic Setting of Your Longboard

It’s time to practice once you’ve mastered setting your board up, finding a safe spot, and pushing off with your weight. Start by standing still on your longboard and practice shifting your weight from side to side until you feel comfortable. 

Once it feels natural, begin pushing off and try to initiate a slide with each foot. Focus on controlling your board and keep your eyes up so you can see where you’re going.

The Different Types Of Longboard Slides

Once you’ve mastered the basics of sliding on a longboard, you can start to explore different types of slides. Different board setups and riding styles will affect how each slide looks and feels, so it’s essential to experiment with what works best for you.

Standup Slides

Standup slides involve turning quickly while standing on the board and sliding down a hill. This requires good balance and control, as you’ll need to shift your weight back and forth between your feet to initiate and control the slide.


Drifting is a type of slide that entails leaning into the board at an angle, usually with one foot, while keeping both feet flat on the ground. This maneuver takes more practice than stand-up slides but helps create speed and gain extra stability when riding.


Powerslides are similar to drifts but have a sharper angle as you lean into them. Experienced riders often use power sliding to perform more complex maneuvers like kickflips and 180s.

The Pendulum Slides

The pendulum (or penny) slide is an advanced sliding technique that involves pulling the front of your longboard up while sliding and then swinging it back down with a flick of the back foot.

Pendulum Slides

This maneuver is more complicated than traditional slides and requires lots of practice to perfect, so be sure to start safely away from traffic and obstacles.

So, here is how you can get Pendulum slides:

1) Stand on your board with both feet on the ground level and shift your weight onto one side until you’re ready to initiate the slide.

2) Quickly pull up your board’s nose with your front foot while leaning into it slightly and shifting your weight back.

3) Once you’ve reached the apex, flick your back foot off the ground to bring the nose of the board back down.

4) As you swing back down, shift your weight onto your feet and keep them flat on the ground for stability.

With enough practice and dedication, anyone can learn how to execute a pendulum slide. Take it slowly first, and wear all necessary safety gear when practicing this maneuver.

The Pre-Drifts

Pre-drifts are a type of slide that involves initiating a drift before the peak of your turn and then gradually allowing it to develop into a complete slide. This can help you gain speed and control while turning and is an essential skill for any longboarder.

1) Begin by shifting your weight onto one side as you turn to initiate the drift.

2) As soon as you feel yourself begin to slide, quickly shift your weight back towards the centre of the board to slow down and regain control.

3) Keep your feet flat on the board throughout this process for maximum stability when manoeuvring.

Sit Down/Squat Slides

Sit-down/squat slides are a type of slide that involves sitting or squatting on your board as you ride.

How to Slide On Longboard

This can help you get more control over the board and is especially useful when riding in tight spaces or navigating sharp turns. To perform a sit-down/squat slide:

1) Begin by setting up for your turn with both feet flat on the board and shifting your weight to one side to initiate the drift.

2) As soon as you feel yourself slip, quickly sit or squat down on the board while keeping your feet flat and leaning slightly into it.

3) Adjust your position to maintain balance and control as you slide.

Once you feel comfortable with the technique, you can experiment with more difficult maneuvers like kickflips and 180s. With enough practice, anyone can learn how to slide on a longboard!

How to Warm Up for Sliding

1) Start by stretching your legs, arms, and core muscles to help prepare them for the physical activity of longboarding.

2) Then move onto dynamic stretches that involve movements such as lunges and high knees. This will help get your muscles warm and limber before hitting the pavement.

3) Next, practice drills like hopping on one foot or running up and down stairs to get your heart rate going.

4) Finally, practice slides in a safe space away from traffic or obstacles to warm up your technique before you start shredding.

5) And don’t forget to have fun! Longboarding is an enjoyable activity that all ages can enjoy.

With these tips, you’ll be ready to hit the streets and start shredding like a pro.


Is It Hard To Slide A Longboard?

Sliding a longboard is easier than it may seem. With enough practice and dedication, anyone can learn to slide safely and confidently.

Is It Necessary To Wear Protective Gear When Sliding?

When learning to slide on a longboard, you must wear proper safety protection such as a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards. This will help protect you in case of any unexpected falls or crashes.

Are There Different Types Of Slides? 

There are various types of slides, including pre-drift, sit-down/squat, kickflips, and 180s. Each slide has its technique which can be mastered with enough practice and patience.

What Is The Best Way To Start Sliding?

The best way to start sliding is by starting slowly and taking it one step at a time. Begin with essential slides like pre-drift or sit-down/squat slides, and then gradually move onto more difficult maneuvers as you become more comfortable and confident. Practice good form and technique to stay safe during your longboarding sessions.


So to wrap up, how to slide on a longboard is challenging for beginners. For most professional and expert players, it’s simple and easy as they can control their slide to the point level where they can carry it in and out to take sharp turns. This will reduce their speed and acceleration, enabling them to go for more smooth and maneuverable turns and moves. 

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Walter Beard

Meet Walter Beard, a passionate Longboarded who has been immersed in the exhilarating world of longboarding for eight years. With his love for the sport, Walter understands the joy and excitement that comes from executing thrilling tricks and being part of a vibrant longboarding community.

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