How To Pick Up a Longboard: 6 Fundamentals

As promised, we are back with another super duper topic on how to pick up a longboard. As this is a game of entertainment and joy, it is necessary to look for tips and tricks that will help opt for the right longboard.

The simple answer to how to pick up a longboard is that when your board moves, it can be trickier to pick up. Pay attention and be aware of the direction your board is traveling in and how much speed it has so that you can plan and anticipate when to reach out and grab hold of it without being injured.

6 Essential Steps to Pick Up a Longboard

Following are the essential steps and tips for doing the process

1. Stand in the Right Way

Stand beside your longboard with both feet firmly on the ground. Make sure you’re standing close enough to reach out and grab hold of it comfortably.

2. Bend Down

Bend down slightly and use one hand to grip the end of the board closest to you, near the front trucks, about where your knees are when standing upright.

3. Right Grip

Using your other hand, grip the middle of the board – closer to its center than towards either end.

4. Bring your Body Upwards

Use your legs to lift and bring your body upwards while keeping a firm grip on the board with both hands as you rise slowly into an upright position, using your legs for support rather than your arms.

5. Adjust the Position

Once upright, keep a firm grip on the board and adjust your hand positions to maintain balance.

6. Do Practice

With practice, picking up your longboard should become more accessible and easier without straining your arms or back too much. Remember that good posture is key while picking up and carrying your board; use your legs rather than your arms wherever possible!

Good luck!

Picking up Longboard When It’s Moving

Slow down the momentum before picking up the board by dragging one foot against the ground while keeping your other foot firmly planted.

Once you’ve slowed down enough, use both hands to grip either end of the board carefully and slowly bring yourself into an upright position with a firm grip.

Picking up Longboard

Once you’ve slowed down enough, use both hands to grip either end of the board carefully and slowly bring yourself into an upright position with a firm grip.

Is longboarding easy to pick up?

Yes, longboarding is relatively easy to pick up, and anyone can become an expert with practice. With the correct technique and posture, picking up and carrying your board will be easier without straining your arms or back too much.

Having a good sense of balance and coordination can make the learning process smoother. Prior experience with board sports like skateboarding or snowboarding can also be beneficial. 

Is longboarding easy to pick up

However, even without any previous background, anyone can learn to longboard with practice and persistence. It is important to prioritize safety by wearing appropriate protective gear and practicing in controlled environments. 

Starting with the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced techniques allows for gradually improving skills. Ultimately, the enjoyment factor plays a significant role in the learning process. Approaching longboarding with a positive attitude, patience, and a willingness to have fun can make picking up this sport all the more rewarding.


Who Should Not Try To Pick Up a Longboard?

Kids too young to understand the nuances of longboarding should only attempt to pick up a longboard with adult supervision. 
Additionally, anyone with previous injuries or concerns about their physical ability should consult their medical provider before picking up and carrying a longboard. As always, safety should be your top priority!

Can you pick up a longboard while moving fast?

It is preferred to avoid picking up a longboard while it is moving fast. Instead, slow down the momentum before picking up the board by dragging one foot against the ground while keeping your other foot firmly planted. 


This article has helped teach you how to pick up and safely carry your fantastic longboard correctly. Do share your experiences in the comments section below, and stay tuned for more awesome content from us on various topics related to longboarding.

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Walter Beard

Meet Walter Beard, a passionate Longboarded who has been immersed in the exhilarating world of longboarding for eight years. With his love for the sport, Walter understands the joy and excitement that comes from executing thrilling tricks and being part of a vibrant longboarding community.

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