Can Longboard Get Wet?

It’s no secret that longboards are made for riding in the rain, but what about when they get wet? Can the longboard get wet and still perform well? The answer is yes! Longboards can get wet and still ride great. Many riders prefer to ride in the rain because it provides more grip and stability.

Keep your longboard in an excellent, dry location when not in use. This will help prevent moisture damage and prolong your longboard’s life. If your longboard gets wet, dry it off and apply a light lubricant layer. Additionally, store it in a cool, dry place when it’s not used regularly.

How do you Take Care if Longboard Gets Wet?

You can do certain things to care for your longboard if it becomes wet.

  • First, dry it off as soon as possible using a clean cloth.
  • Then, lightly lubricate the wheels and bearings with WD-40 or equivalent lubricant.
  • This will keep your longboard operating smoothly and help prevent rust.

How to Protect The Deck of the Longboard When It Is Raining?

To protect the deck of your longboard, you can apply a layer of clear coat or waterproofing spray. This will create a barrier between the deck and the elements, preventing damage from moisture and wear.

Additionally, be sure to store your longboard indoors when not in use. This will further protect the deck from moisture and extend the life of your longboard.

Can Longboard Get Wet

Bottom Line: To protect the deck of your longboard, apply a layer of clear coat or waterproofing spray. Additionally, store your longboard indoors when not in use.

Protecting Longboard Grill Tape

To protect the grill, tape off your longboard, can apply a layer of clear coat or waterproofing spray. This will create a barrier between the tape and the elements, preventing damage from moisture and wear.

Bottom Line: To protect the grill tape of your longboard, apply a layer of clear coat or waterproofing spray. Additionally, store your longboard indoors when not in use.

Protection of Longboard Bearings When it is Wet

The best way to protect the bearings of your longboard is to keep them clean and dry. Be sure to clean them regularly with a bearing cleaner and lube them with a high-quality lubricant. Additionally, avoid riding in puddles or standing water, as this can cause the bearings to rust.

Protection Trucks When it Gets Wet

You can apply a layer of clear coat or waterproofing spray to protect your longboard trucks. This will create a barrier between the trucks and the elements, preventing damage from moisture and wear.

Additionally, be sure to store your longboard indoors when not in use. This will further protect the trucks from moisture and extend the life of your longboard.

Essential Factors to Consider When Picking a Longboard for Riding in The Rain

There are a few essential factors to consider when choosing a longboard for riding in the rain. First, choose a longboard with waterproof bearings and trucks. This will help prevent rust and keep your longboard running smoothly. Additionally, select a longboard with a deck that is resistant to moisture. This will help protect the deck from damage and extend the life of your longboard.

When choosing a longboard for riding in the rain, look for one with waterproof bearings and trucks. Additionally, select a longboard with a deck that is resistant to moisture.


Will My Longboard Be Damaged If It Gets Wet?

Keep your skateboard as dry as possible. Water can damage the bearings, board, trucks, and bolts, and it also increases the risk of hydroplaning, which makes it harder to control the skateboard. So avoid skating in the rain or puddles whenever you can.

What Should I Do To Protect My Longboard In The Rain?

A translucent, clear coat of polyurethane can be applied over the entire board if your board does not have a full coat of paint or lacquer or if it does, but you wish to make it more water resistant.

Is It Possible To Longboard During The Winter Season?

Longboarding in the snow can be done only when the road still needs to be covered and there are only flurries. In these conditions, you’ll have to avoid water from wet pavement getting into your setup. Riding becomes more difficult with ice on the road or thick layers of snow.


To sum it up, longboards can get wet, but there are ways to protect them from the elements. Be sure to apply a clear coat or waterproofing spray layer to the deck and trucks. Additionally, store your longboard indoors when not in use. You can extend your longboard’s life by keeping it in good working order.

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Walter Beard

Meet Walter Beard, a passionate Longboarded who has been immersed in the exhilarating world of longboarding for eight years. With his love for the sport, Walter understands the joy and excitement that comes from executing thrilling tricks and being part of a vibrant longboarding community.

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